Broadsheet Cafe-The Premises
24 Crossley Street, Melbourne
As we continue our blog journey of indulgence with Melbourne's Food and Wine festival, I bring you today, a blurb about the temporary 'Broadsheet' cafe with special appearances of THE PREMISES.
Background: Broadsheet is actually a news/publishing company that champions everything Melbourne; from food to art to design and very very hip stuff. You can find them online and sometimes in print. This year, to celebrate the festival, Broadsheet decided to bring Melbournians a temporary little hole in a wall amongst dumpsters and cool retailers on Crossley St, to enjoy sinful caffeine from a variety of Coffee connoisseurs and Baristas from around the vicinity.
Day 5, we celebrate the coffee making skills of a cafe from the burbs' of Kensington called The Premises. I came in about a little before noon and the place is already packed with Everyone. The deco is simple: a nice big community table, a few variable chairs and stools with the machine at the end of the space. Coffee starts at $3.80 and are chic-ly contained in special takeaway cups with the Broadsheet logo and the 'cafe of the day' branding. I was also impressed by the nice little coffee coasters that are available to rest your paper cup on.
The coffee served today is very exotic, I cannot really remember the full details but I saw a 'TORAJA' brew in it which reminds me of coffins inserted in limestones mountains and cannibals of that region of Borneo. Taste was strong with a tinge of bitterness, maybe a reflection of the rawness of where it came from. The beans were happily supplied by Seven Seas, a local Coffee Roaster around the corner from the city.
I am excited of this project. Its like an installation for beverage. Do check Broadsheet cafe when you are in the city. Coffee technicians change daily so it will always be a surprise.
Broadsheet Cafe Operator Schedule
Fri 4 - Seven Seeds
Sat 5 - Five Senses
Sun 6 - Dead Man Espresso
Mon 7 - Market Lane
Tue 8 - The Premises
Wed 9 - Seven Seeds
Thu 10 - Five Senses
Fri 11 - Proud Mary
Sat 12 - Dead Man Espresso
Sun 13 - Proud Mary
Mon 14 - Market Lane